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Electronic Reciprocal
Tranfer System

ERTS is a web based application that dramatically reduces the time, effort, and paperwork required to manage traveling members reciprocal requests. It maintains accurate member ...

Electronic Remittance

eREMIT™ is a web based application used by Benefits Offices to received and manage certificed contractor payroll reports electronically. Contractors can login and ...

Member Inquiry
and Benefits Enrollment

eMI is a web based applicaiton that provides an internet presence for Benefits Offices. eMI is tailored for the speciic needs of our clients and can be a simple as a member ...

Dues Payment
and Management

dPAY is a web based application that allows members to pay Union Dues easily from any device that allows an internet connection. dPAY is integrated with local unions to provide ...

Electronic Benefits

eFACTS offers a full range of plan and fund processing functionality for benefit offices. It's a complete system of benefits administration software that offers...

ABT Professional
Services Group

Allen Bates Technologies offers professional services to help you create and maintain technology solutions that meet your business needs. Whether it's using one...


Allen Bates Technologies is helping to move benefits offices and International Unions into the 21st Century with innovative products and services that utilize our proven experience...